Reclaim LGB!

Fed up with having the TQ+ community parasitising off of the good name and people of the LGB community we've created this website to raise awareness of how they're using us to hide their perversions and illegal activities, all under the nose of, and with the blessing of, the government, the media, and now our religious leaders also.

If like us, you're also annoyed, and scared, of what they're bringing to our doorstep then join our group, and our voices, to get the TQ+ community disconnected from our good name and standings. Our aim is for the wider population to treat us as we once were, before our community was hijacked by these other groups, treated and judged on our character rather than on our sexuality.

With your help we intend to hold meetings and support groups, lobby politicians, and to march against and boycott those who persist in their madness of upholding the current ideology that we are all the same, when we clearly are not!

Once we're fully up and running we will post more information. In the meantime if there's anything you think that could help with this cause then please get in touch via email at admin(at)reclaimlgb(dot)co(dot)uk. We clearly need help with web development, but would also welcome any help with financing and evidential stories and information we can post here.

What LGB means to us; the LGB community.
The sexual deviants that we consider to be unwanted parasites.
The rest.